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Last week I had the pleasure of attending the NY Chapter of RMA’s Annual Chief Risk Officers Roundtable, which was chaired this year by my good friend, Carl Adams, a past President of the Chapter. The 5 person panel included … Continue reading
Our LinkedIn poll revealed some surprising results: Voters decided that “Experience Across Many Banking Businesses” was the key to success as a CRO or risk professional – perhaps not surprising in itself, but how many people go in for bank rotations? … Continue reading
Keith Waitt comments on the future for Eastern European banking McKinsey has recently published an article about the future of banking in Eastern Europe (“What’s ahead for banking in Eastern Europe”), This article proved to be thought-provoking in unexpected ways, … Continue reading
Dear Colleagues, I was privileged to chair a master class stream at the recent Ri$kMinds Geneva conference, where we discussed topics related to enterprise wide bank risk management & the skills required to be a sound risk manager. My chairman … Continue reading
Global Financial Crisis …a refreshing perspective! Last week, a prominent American journalist, Bill Moyers, interviewed John S. Reed, the former CEO of Citicorp and Citigroup. It was broadcast as part of a television series about the cause of the global … Continue reading